Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How to setup filezilla or Krusader for ec2 on ubuntu linux

add follwing entry int your ssh config file (ex. your_home_dir/.ssh/config)

Host server_address
 IdentityFile ssh_private_key_location
(change server_address and ssh_private_key_location accordingly)
you get ec2 ssh_private_key, when you create keypair in aws_console->keypairs section. They key you need to specify when you boot new instance.also change ssh private key security mode to 600.

Then add site into filezilla->site manager as shown in the above screenshot.

  1. host should be server address
  2. select servertype as sftp
  3. select username on linux instance accordingly
  4. then connect to ec2 instance

and for Krusader you need to specify same thing as shown in the above screenshot